Post by Todd on Mar 25, 2010 9:37:35 GMT -5
I <3 my tribe. Based on last night Korowai is the more active tribe, but the people we had online are clearly dedicated to the game and its not our fault Silas lives in another country and couldn't be online. Greg on the other hand has no excuse. So I'm hoping he goes tonight and he should.
My main alliiance at this point is with Jessica and Michelle. We are also aligned with Kenny, and considered using Erin to make up the majority. If Silas makes it to the next round though, Kenny and I want to replace him with Erin in our majority alliance because Silas has no where else to go and would essentially be forced to work with us. I trust him more than I trust Erin at this point.
I can definitely see myself stepping into the leadership position on this tribe, I feel like I already kind of was last night. But being the leader definitely worries me. I don't want people to know I'm a cocky bastard and vote me off because of it. Last night in the chat I said we were voting off Greg tonight and Silas the next time we lose. This was before Kenny and I talked about bringing Silas into our alliance, but after I said it I realized it was a really controlling statement and some people might want to vote me off because they don't like being bossed around. We'll see. I think I have enough support to stay, and Im probably more nervous than I need to be since I am very active in the game and its so early in the game where we need as many active people as we can get. But would it shock me to see my name written down a few times ? Hell no. Hopefully the only votes are for Greg and Silas, but this is Survivor so you never know.
Post by Todd on Apr 8, 2010 0:28:10 GMT -5
Tribe swap worked perfectly. Jess and Mich are my main allies and Colby told me he's never going to write my name down. A bit worried that since we won the other tribe is going to vote off Kenny or Nat which means original Dani will be down two members, but I'm really hoping original tribal lines aren't going to play thaat big of a role even though they probably will. There was talk of throwing the challenge last night, but even though I wasn't part of it I didn't think it was a good idea so I'm glad it didn't amount to much. It was a fun challenge for me cause I had the easy part lol but that puzzle was hard. I'm so glad I chose to be a dasher ! Can't wait to see who gets voted out of Koro and here's to hoping Kenny and Nat can pull something amazing off !
Post by Todd on Apr 18, 2010 20:46:59 GMT -5
OMFGG what a crazyy tribal that was ! I'm soo glad Jess is still in the game. Not too thrilled that Aras was voted off though, but I really can't complain since he was in the other alliance. I just liked him more than I like some of the other players. cough Natalie cough. Kenny, Jess and myself are definitely a solid three, but I'm not sure what we're going to do next. Hopefully some opportunities open up for us and we don't just get picked off.
Post by Todd on Apr 23, 2010 8:43:54 GMT -5
I'm really hoping I win immunity. Its prolly a long shot, but I just really wanna feel secure for once at a tribal council. Right now, I have a few options and I'd like to believe that even if I don't win immunity I'm not going home.
Option 1: Jessica is going to form a Final 2 alliance with JT so that way he'll vote with us at the next tribal council against Parv Judd or Heidi. I don't care how she does it. If I was her I'd say at the Final 4 her JT and me/Kenny could vote the other of me/Kenny out and then take each other to the Final 2, anything to get him to vote with us. I'm not so sure this is going to happen, but it would be awesome if it did.
Option 2: Vote against Jess or Kenny, and basically go to the Final 5 with Parv Heidi Judd and JT. This might be a stupid move on my part, but after speaking with Judd last night he told me at the Final 5 he could get JT to vote with him and I against the girls. Now Judd has promised to vote with my alliance before and has not done it, which is why I am very skeptical of him. I am also very skeptical of JT because he continually votes for me. Obv he refuses to write Jessica's name down, and in a perfect world I would LOVE to see JT voted off next. I just don't think thats possible.
As much as I wanna win immunity, I don't wanna because then I have to send someone to Exile and with a new idol being hidden going to Exile is like a free pass to a shot at finding it. Basically, whoever I send its going to look like I'm aligned with them. If I send Jess/Kenny I'm going to be grouped with them, if I send someone else Jess/Kenny are going to be like wtf. So if I win I'm gonna try and send myself lol, I hope thats allowed. Cause even though I wanna win I don't wanna be forced to make that decision. Can I send no one lol ?
Post by Todd on Apr 25, 2010 22:15:15 GMT -5
Going with option 1 *crosses fingers*
Post by Todd on Apr 27, 2010 9:38:37 GMT -5
Its about time I won a challenge !! Final 5 here I come. Honestly, the only bad thing about this is having to send someone to Exile. Everyone but Parv has asked me to send them, and I said yes to them all except for JT. His attempt was just hilarious. Just because you are the only person left in the game who hasn't been to Exile doesn't mean I'm going to send you. I'm going to send Kenny because he is my main ally left in the game and I want him to be safe this round. Cause there is so much craziness going down that I don't even know where to begin. Apparently people were going to vote me off if I didn't win immunity, so now Kenny thinks Parv and JT are going to write him down. Jess says JT is voting for Parv with us, but I don't trust him as far as I can throw him so I'll believe it when I see it. I told Judd Parv was the next to go and we formed some kind of alliance. Or he basically just realized how screwed he is and tried to tell me how I couldn't beat Kenny in the finals and we needed to ban together to take him and Parv out since they are such power players and then we can go to the finals together and it will be an even match up. It sounds okay but I gotta stick with my alliance at this point. But I basically told him that he didn't have to vote for Parv if he didn't want to, but he kinda wanted to to prove his trust and that it would just be hard since she is his last remaining ally in the game. So who knows what he'll do. If he votes against Kenny or Jess with JT/Parv, its going to be a tie and at this point we have no idea who they would all vote for. Since JT refuses to vote Jess, I'm gonna guess they'd vote Kenny. Once again this vote is gonna come down to JT ! Thank God I'm immune. But yeah he was gunning for me last night because I told Judd I would send him to Exile and Judd told JT and JT didn't believe that I would do that so he no longer trusts me and was trying to target me. Oh well. I lied. Get over it. I'm sending Kenny to Exile. We need to get ahold of that idol, or at least know if its in Judd's possesion. He told me it wasn't, and I really hope he's telling the truth, because if it is he could give it to Parv. Kenny and I talked about this briefly last night and if the idol is gone we might have to vote for JT beacuse we're thinking Judd would give it to Parv. Needless to say, i HAVE to send Kenny to Exile for the sake of our alliance. As long as we get past this vote, me Kenny and Jess can control the votes and go to the Final 3 together.
Post by Todd on Apr 28, 2010 8:04:17 GMT -5
YAYAYAY Kenny found the idol !! Now we don't have to worry about it floating around in the other alliance. Parv will have 3 votes for sure, so we have a tie at the very least. If the other 3 are voting together, and I'm not sure if they will or not, I hope they vote Kenny since he's playing the idol. I was telling Jess and Kenny last night that I think they'll vote for Jess cause they'll assume Kenny found the idol but they'll also assume he'll give it to Jess because they always vote for Jess so they'll vote for Kenny thinking Jess will play the idol but really Kenny's going to play it. They got confused but I think its just logic. Its really a toss up, but we have been trying to convince JT and Judd to vote for Parv so I hope at least one of them does just to secure this votee.
Post by Todd on Apr 29, 2010 22:07:55 GMT -5
WTG Kenny for getting the others to vote Judd last round. WTG Kenny for winning immunity this round. Kenny is doing a great job and I can see why people are viewing him as a threat to win this game. Yet, he is one of my main allies and I don't wanna screw him over yet. I'm not sure if I'll ever wanna screw him over. So if and when I'm readyy, I'll let you know.
The vote is supposed to be Judd tonight. He wanted to blindside Kenny but Kenny won immunity so that can't happen. Now he wants to blindside Jess because thats the best thing we can do to weaken Kenny LOL. And apparently my best shot at winning is taking Judd to the Final Two ?! I don't think so. Anyway, me and Kenny decided that the only way that Judd will stay in the game is if he asks us to vote against JT. He already said he couldn't throw JT or myself under the bus but this is the Final Five and wouldn't you do anything to make sure that its not you ?? So I spoke with Judd and now Kenny is and its honestly like pulling teeth. His only chance of survival is by voting JT, and even if he does its not written in stone that me and Kenny are either. Its probably a good move splitting Jess and JT up because going into the Final Four without Judd Jess is in the best position. But its still up in the air, me and Kenny have a lot to discuss because I think we'll be able to decide who goes home tonight <3
Post by Todd on Apr 30, 2010 9:35:42 GMT -5
KENNY. I love you but make up your fucking mind. Its the Final Five. You have to have SOME idea of who you want to vote out this round. I can understand your reasoning for not wanting to vote off JT, but seriously if me you and Jess wanna make the Final Three that is our BEST OPTION. I don't know what else I can say to make you vote that way. Even Jess said she'd vote for JT !! And now your saying your vote doesn't matter ?! Of course it does. If you really don't want JT to go you could vote for whoever you want and give him the idol. OMG THIS GAME IS CRAZY. I really hopeee JT goes, and if he doesn't then Judd better go. If I somehow get voted out I will be SOOOO LIVID. The one time in this game I'm tryingg to make a move that is entirely my own. I didn't think I was going to be this nervous but all of a sudden I am. OMG. On second thought I doubt Kenny would give away his ticket to the Final Three, so its probably a matter of Judd vs JT here, but still I'm getting nervous. I am ALWAYS nervous. I really hope Jess would actually vote JT, I mean they are tight soooo I was realllyyy shocked when she told me she was gonna vote for him. And now JT is telling me he's nervous which means someone might have leaked that I'm voting for him ?!?! UGHHH THIS GAME IS GOING TO GIVE ME A CORONARYYY
Post by Todd on May 2, 2010 21:19:34 GMT -5
Honestly, I was trying my hardest to save his ass. I didn't wanna vote him off. God, I had already cast my vote for JT because thats who I wanted gone but I had to delete and change my vote because Kenny and Jess were voting Judd. So I don't know why Judd would be rooting for people who wanted him gone and voted him out rather than someone who was trying to save his ass. Don't get me wrong, I have never trusted Judd since he voted out Michelle but I don't really trust JT either and Judd would have been a better addition to the Final Four for my game that JT. Oh well. He can kiss my ass.
I just finished the Final Four Immunity Challenge and I think I got them all right. So its going to come down to time probably because I'm sure some of the others will get perfect scores too. I'm not that concerned though. JT is gone unless he wins it, and since he was gone for about a week of the game he told me he was unsure as to who won immunity those rounds and that he was skeptical on some of the vote counts. Which works out for me. As long as Kenny or I win this, I'm safe because Kenny told me he'd give me the idol if he wins since this is our last opportunity to play it. I trust Kenny but he had told me this a few days ago and who knows if he's still thinking the same thing. I'm pretty sure he'd give it to me but I'm hoping that I win juust in case. I have a good feeling about this though. I don't think JT is gonna get the necklace so as long as everything goes according to plan he should be the one to go.
Post by Todd on May 2, 2010 22:00:48 GMT -5
Post by Todd on May 2, 2010 22:22:23 GMT -5
Well at least Kenny won. Now hand over the idol
Post by Todd on May 2, 2010 22:28:40 GMT -5
This game interferes with my sleeping patterns.
Post by Todd on May 3, 2010 11:49:54 GMT -5
Sooo Kenny's not giving me the idol. Blah. He told me he would, obviously he changed his mind, it just makes me nervous and afraid that I can't trust him. I'm freaking paranoid. I was considering voting Jess and then kept going back and forth back and forth cause if Kenny were to give the idol to JT then I would go but if I threw a vote to Jess it would be a tie between me and her. It would have to be done very secretly though otherwise she'd vote for me and I'd be gone no matter what. I want to remain loyal to her and Kenny though, and I have faith that they will be loyal to me and that the vote will be 3-1 with no idols played. I'm still paranoid though, and I hope that Kenny's reasoning of not wanting to choose between me and Jess to give the idol to is true. Cause Jess told me she wasn't even asking for it. It just worries me that Kenny somehow wants me gone and is making up an excuse to not give me the idol after he told me he already would and now he's giving it to JT and they're going to boot me. Wouldn't really make sense though, a lot of the jury members have already stated that they are rooting for Jess and JT so if they're going to do that they might as well get rid of Jess. But why do that when we can just get rid of JT ?? Thats what better happen. I will be livid if JT plays that idol and I go home. If that happens, I guarantee you Kenny won't win this game because people are already pissed at him and that would just tick me off so much that I would refuse to vote for him to win. So, Kenny, don't you dare give JT that idol. OMG I'M SO NERVOUS
Post by Todd on May 3, 2010 23:21:49 GMT -5
THOSE BITCHES. I'm so pissed right now. As much as I wanna be in the Final 3, I'd be more than happy to be out because I don't wanna go back to camp with those scumbags. UGH. I am so DISGUSTED right now I don't even know what to say !